Caffeine Probably Has Powerful Negative Consequences You Need to Know About

by alex
Published: Updated:

The combination of coffee or tea is a highly nutritious drink.


The majority of them include caffeine, a chemical that can boost your metabolism, mood, and physical and mental efficiency ( 1Trusted Source2Trusted Source3Trusted Source).

Research has also proven that it’s safe for most people when consumed in moderate to low quantities ( 4Trusted Source).

However, high doses can cause harmful and potentially hazardous negative consequences.

Research has revealed that genes significantly influence how you react to caffeine. Some people can consume more significant amounts of coffee than others and not suffer adverse effects ( 5Trusted Source6Trusted Source).

Furthermore, those who don’t have a caffeine habit could be afflicted by symptoms following consumption of what’s usually considered moderate amounts ( 4Trusted Source7Trusted Source).

Here are nine negative side consequences of drinking too much caffeine

1. Anxiety

It is known to improve alertness.

It blocks the effect of adenosine, an abrasive chemical that makes you feel exhausted. In addition, it causes an increase in adrenaline, which is the “fight-or-flight” hormone that leads to greater levels of energy ( 8Trusted Source).

However, they can be more evident when doses are increased, leading to anxiety and more anxiety.

In reality, anxiety caused by caffeine disorder is among four related to caffeine syndromes listed within the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), which the American Psychiatric Association publishes.

A daily dose of at least 1,000 mg daily has been found to trigger jitteriness, nervousness, and similar symptoms in most people. However, even a moderate amount of caffeine could cause similar symptoms in people who are sensitive to caffeine ( 910Trusted Source).

Furthermore, low doses have been proven to cause rapid breathing and raise the stress level when taken in a single session ( 11Trusted Source12Trusted Source).

One study of healthy men showed that people who consumed approximately 300 milligrams of caffeine had more than twice the stress than people who took an unrelated placebo.

It was interesting to note that the stress levels were comparable between regular or less frequent drinkers, suggesting that the chemical could affect stress levels, regardless of whether you consume it regularly ( 12Trusted Source).

But, they are only preliminary.

Its coffee amount can vary. For example, a big (“grande”) espresso from Starbucks has 300 milligrams of caffeine.

If you notice that you’re often anxious, it could be a good idea to review your caffeine intake and cut it down.

  • Summary: Although low-to-moderate doses of caffeine can increase alertness, more significant amounts may 

 This can lead to anxiety or even create a feeling of anxiety. Examine your reaction to help you determine 

 what you can take.

2. Insomnia

Its ability to aid people to remain awake is among its most sought-after attributes.

However, excessive caffeine can cause difficulty in getting sufficient restorative sleep.

Research has shown that a higher caffeine intake may increase the time needed to sleep. This can also reduce the total time spent sleeping, especially for the elderly ( 13Trusted Source14Trusted Source).

In contrast, the low or moderate levels of caffeine do not appear to have a significant impact on sleep for those who are considered “good sleepers” or those who suffer from reported insomnia ( 15Trusted Source).

You might not know that excessive caffeine disrupts your sleep when you aren’t aware of what amount you’re consuming.

While tea and coffee are the most potent source of caffeine is also present in cocoa, soda, energy drinks, and a variety of forms of medicine.

For instance, the energy drink can have as much as 350 mg caffeine, and some energy drinks offer up to 500 mg in a container ( 16Trusted Source).

Your genetics and other factors will determine the amount of caffeine you consume without disrupting your sleep quality.

Furthermore, drinking caffeine late in the morning can disrupt sleep since the effects may take several hours to wear off completely.

Studies have shown that caffeine is present inside your system for about five hours on average, but the duration can vary from one and a quarter hours to 9 hours, dependent on the person ( 17Trusted Source).

One study looked into the way that caffeine consumption could affect sleep. Researchers administered 12 healthy adults 400 mg caffeine at least six hours before going to bed, or three hours before the time of bed or just before going to bed.

It took a long time for the three groups to go to sleep, and the amount of time they stayed awake during the night increased dramatically ( 18Trusted Source).

These results suggest you should keep an eye on both the amount and the timing of caffeine to maximize your sleep.

  • Summary: Caffeine can 
  1.  help you stay awake during the daytime, but it could adversely affect your sleep 
  2.  Quantity and quality.
  3.  To help prevent sleeping issues.

3. Digestive Issues

Many people report that having a cup of coffee helps get their digestive tracts moving.

The laxative effects of coffee have been linked to the release of gastrin, a hormone produced by the stomach that increases activity in the colon. In addition, decaffeinated tea has been found to cause the same response ( 19Trusted Source20Trusted Source21Trusted Source).

But, caffeine in itself appears to increase the bowel by increasing peristalsis. These contractions allow food to move through the stomach ( 21Trusted Source).

With this in mind, it’s not surprising that high doses of caffeine can cause loose stools or even diarrhea in certain people.

While coffee was thought of as a cause of stomach ulcers for a long time, an extensive study of over 8000 people found no connection with the two ( 22Trusted Source).

However, certain studies suggest that caffeinated beverages can cause a worsening of stomach acid reflux (GERD) in certain people. This is especially the case with the coffee ( 23Trusted Source24Trusted Source25Trusted Source).

A small study was conducted that included five healthy adults; when they consumed caffeinated beverages, the participants experienced a relaxing of the muscle, which prevents stomach contents from rising into the throat, which is the sign symptoms of GERD ( 25Trusted Source).

Because coffee has a significant impact on digestion, Reducing the amount of coffee you consume or changing into tea when experiencing any problems is recommended.

  • Synopsis: Although small, 

 moderate coffee can help improve digestive motility. Higher doses could cause 

 loose stool to loose stools GERD. Reducing your intake of coffee and switching over to tea could cause loose stools or GERD. 


4. Muscle Breakdown

Rhabdomyolysis is a grave condition that causes damaged muscle fibers to get into the bloodstream and cause kidney failure and other complications.

The most frequent causes of rhabdomyolysis are injuries, infections, drug misuse, muscle strain, and bites of poisonous insects or snakes.

Additionally, there have been numerous reports of rhabdomyolysis due to excessive amounts of caffeine; however, it is a relatively uncommon occurrence ( 26Trusted Source27Trusted Source28Trusted Source29Trusted Source).

In one instance, a woman developed nausea, vomiting, and black urine following drinking 32 ounces (1 Liter) of coffee, which contained around 565 mg. of caffeine. Fortunately, she recovered after treatment with medications and water ( 29Trusted Source).

It is important to note that this is a significant amount of caffeine that you can consume in a short time, particularly for someone who’s not familiar with it or is extremely sensitive to the effects.

To lower the risk of developing rhabdomyolysis, you are recommended to limit your consumption to 250 mg caffeine a day unless you’re habitually drinking more.

  • Summary: People may 

 suffer from rhabdomyolysis, which is the breakdown of damaged muscles when they consume massive quantities of high doses of caffeine. Limit your consumption to 250 mg per day if your goal is to consume uncertain of what you can handle.

5. Addiction

Despite the numerous benefits for health, it’s not a secret that it could become habit-forming.

A thorough review indicates that, although it similarly stimulates certain brain chemicals as amphetamines and cocaine trigger, it doesn’t cause typical addiction like amphetamines and cocaine cause ( 30Trusted Source).

However, it can result in physical or psychological dependence, especially in very high doses.

A study found that 16 individuals who usually consumed moderate or high levels of caffeine participated in a word-test after a period of no caffeine. The high-caffeine users were interested in caffeine-related words and experienced solid cravings for caffeine ( 31Trusted Source).

Furthermore, the frequency of caffeine intake is believed to play a part in independence.

In a different study, 213 users of caffeine took part in questionnaires after 16 hours without drinking the substance. People who drink coffee daily experience higher levels of fatigue, headaches, and withdrawal-related symptoms than people who do not consume it daily ( 32Trusted Source).

Although the substance doesn’t appear to cause any addiction, if you often drink a lot of caffeine-rich coffee or any other beverages that contain caffeine, it is a high possibility that you’ll become dependent on the effects.

  • Description: Going without 

 Its consumption for a long time can result in physical or psychological withdrawal 

 signs in people who drink large quantities of alcohol regularly.

6. High Blood Pressure

In general, it doesn’t appear to raise the chances of developing heart disease or stroke for most people.

However, it was demonstrated to increase blood pressure in several studies because of its stimulating influence on the nerve system ( 33Trusted Source34Trusted Source35Trusted Source36Trusted Source).

Elevated blood pressure is an indicator of stroke and heart attack because it can cause damage to the arteries in time, limiting the circulation of blood to the heart and brain.

The good news is that the effect of caffeine on blood pressure is believed to be only temporary. Additionally, it appears to have the most significant effect on those who aren’t accustomed to drinking caffeine.

Consuming a lot of caffeine has been proven to increase blood pressure in healthy individuals and those who have hypertension ( 37Trusted Source, 38Trusted Source) mildly.

Thus, being aware of the timing and dosage of your caffeine intake is crucial, particularly if you suffer from high blood pressure.

  • Summary: Caffeine seems 

 to increase your blood pressure when you consume it in dosages that are high or before exercise, for example. 

 As well as those who don’t consume it often. However, this effect could be only temporary. 

 So it’s best to be aware of your responses.

7. Rapid Heart Rate

The stimulant effects from a large caffeine consumption can cause your heartbeat to be faster.

It can also cause irregular heartbeats, also known as atrial fibrillation. This has been observed among young people who have consumed energy drinks with massive amounts of caffeine ( 39Trusted Source).

In one study, the woman who took an enormous dose in the form of tablets while attempting suicide developed an extremely rapid heart rate, kidney disease, and other serious health problems ( 40Trusted Source).

However, this phenomenon does not appear to be present in all. Some people who suffer from heart issues might handle massive amounts of caffeine with no adverse effects.

In one study that was controlled in a controlled study, when 51 patients with heart failure were given 100mg of caffeine every hour for 5 hours, their heartbeats and heart rhythms were regular ( 41Trusted Source).

Whatever the mixed results, If you observe the changes to your rhythm or heartbeat following drinking caffeine-rich beverages, think about reducing your intake.

  • Synopsis: Large doses of 

 It can raise heart rate or beat in certain people. These effects can be seen. It can differ depending on the individual. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms to be different, you might want to consider reducing your intake.

8. Fatigue

Tea, coffee, and other beverages are believed to increase energy levels.

However, they may also cause the opposite as they trigger fatigue when caffeine is removed from your system.

A review of 41 studies revealed that while caffeine-infused energy drinks improved participants’ alertness and increased their moods for a few hours, they were generally more exhausted than average the next day. ( 42Trusted Source).

If you continue to drink plenty of coffee all day long, it is possible to stay clear of the rebound effects. However, this could impact your ability to rest.

To maximize the benefits of caffeine in terms of energy and prevent fatigue from the rebound, drink it in moderation, not in large doses.

  • Summary Although 

 It can provide energy; however, it could also lead to fatigue when the effects of its effects wear off. Make sure to take a moderate amount of it to reduce the risk of fatigue from the rebound.

9. Urgency and frequent urination

Urination increases are a typical consequence of caffeine intake due to the stimulating effects on bladders.

You may be aware that you frequently have to pee if you consume more tea or coffee than you usually.

The majority of research investigating the effects of the compound on urinary frequency has concentrated on older people and those who have incontinence or bladders overactive. ( 43Trusted Source44Trusted Source45Trusted Source).

In one study, 12 middle-aged to young individuals with bladders that were overactive with its consumption of 2 mg for every 1 pound (4.5 mg per kg) in body mass per day noticed significant increases in the frequency of their urination as well as pressure ( 44Trusted Source).

If someone weighs 150 pounds (68 kg), that will translate to around 300 mg of caffeine daily.

In addition, excessive consumption can increase the risk of developing incontinence in those who have good bladders.

A large-scale study examined the effects of caffeine consumption on incontinence in more than 65,000 women with no incontinence.

Consumers who consumed more than 450 mg per day were significantly more at risk of having incontinence when compared with those who ingested lesser than 150 mg daily ( 45Trusted Source).

Consume many caffeinated beverages and notice that your urination seems more frequent or frequent than average. It could be a good idea to reduce the amount of caffeine you consume to check if your symptoms have improved.

  • Summary: High caffeine 

 Intake of the drug has been associated with an increase in urgency and frequency of urinary tract infections in several studies. The reduction of your intake could help the symptoms.

the Bottom Line

Light to moderate its consumption is believed to have impressive health benefits too numerous people.

However, extremely high doses could result in adverse effects that can affect everyday life and create serious health problems.

While responses differ between individuals, however, the results of high intake show that having more doesn’t always mean it’s better.

To reap benefits from caffeine with no adverse effects, perform an honest evaluation of your energy, sleep levels, and other variables which could be affected and decrease your intake when necessary.

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