Common Cold: Getting to Know more Is Powerful

by alex
Published: Updated:
common cold

What makes us feel so awful when we get hit by the common cold? Could it be because of the many symptoms it causes or the absence of a quick cure?

The most you can expect is a mix of self-care techniques to ease the discomfort and help you get through your congestion.

Do you have swollen or nasal congestion and throat that is scratchy, and a general feeling of being slightly unwell? It could be an infection that is viral to your upper respiratory tract, also known as”the typical cold. While most of us suffer from one to three colds every year, there’s not a cure. However, taking care of yourself, which can involve chicken soup, can help you feel better.

What Is Common cold?

A cold, also known as a non-influenza-related respiratory infection — is the most prevalent illness seen throughout the world. Americans suffer from 1 billion colds every year. If you’re wondering why there’s no cure, this could give you a perspective. There are more than 200 viruses that cause colds. It’s the rhinovirus that’s typically to blame…but even there are 160 different varieties of rhinovirus. (Other common-cold culprits include respiratory syncytial virus and a few types of human coronaviruses–notably not SARS-CoV-2, the severe coronavirus that causes COVID-19.)

Rhinoviruses are fast to transform and make it difficult to get to your body’s immune system to fight them off and for researchers to develop effective cures. As long as no cure for the common cold is discovered, it will be necessary to be patient until the immune system combats the germs that make the symptoms of illness.


The cold virus only affects approximately 1% of cells that line the nasal passageways; however, they trigger a powerful immune response in your body’s defense mechanisms. The majority of times, your immune system will eventually get the upper hand. However, sometimes, common colds may get severe within your body to trigger other problems.

If the virus moves from your throat and nose to your lungs, causing inflammation and the buildup of mucus, you’ve got what’s known as a chest cold or acute bronchitis. Chest colds can lead to coughs that are wet and produce lots of mucus (and could cause you to stay up all night.) There is also the possibility of a painful throat and shortness of breath.

If the viral cold causes inflammation of the sinus membranes, making it difficult for mucus to drain, you could suffer from the condition of a throat cold or acute sinusitis. The congestion will become more severe, and you’ll notice it’s flowing into the throat’s back. It could also cause discomfort around your nose, eyes, cheeks, forehead, and cheeks.

Symptoms of Common Cold

It can take between one and three days after being exposed to the common cold virus for the first signs to appear. Every person is different. However, most people feel tired. Other common symptoms of a cold are:

  • Congestion.
  • Sneezing.
  • Coughing.
  • Mild muscle pains.
  • A slight headache.
  • Low-grade fever.
  • The throat is swollen and scratchy.
  • Watery eyes.
  • Mild joint discomfort.
  • Affected sense of taste and smell.
  • Appetite loss.

You might have heard when your nasal discharge is clear, then you’ve got an infection, and if it’s green or yellow is a sign that you’re suffering from an infection with a bacterium. However, this isn’t the case. When your body is fighting to rid itself of cold-related viruses and toxins, the color of your mucus can naturally change from transparent and thin to thick green or yellow.

It’s important to remember that just because you have mild symptoms of common cold does not mean you’re less susceptible–your defense system is doing an excellent job stopping the virus. It is possible to infect other people, and they might suffer more severe symptoms than you.

Causes of Common Cold

The germs that cause colds are highly infectious. Droplets of virus can spread up to six feet whenever an affected person coughs, sneezes, or blows out their nose. It’s also possible to get sick by touching something with bacteria on it, such as the light switch or counter, and then rub your nose, eyes, or mouth.

You’re more likely to contract an illness if:

  • You may have a weakening of your immune system.
  • It’s a colder time of the year.
  • Smoke or breathe in secondhand smoke.
  • You’re in constant contact with large populations (think you’re on a plane).

Diagnosis of Common Cold

You’ll likely be able to discern if you’re suffering from cold by the symptoms you’re experiencing. If you visit your doctor for treatment, you’ll find no test that will confirm the presence of an illness. The doctor can diagnose you by checking the throat and asking a few questions.

Based on the symptoms you are experiencing, the doctor may wish to rule out other illnesses like influenza, strep throat, and COVID-19. The tests are done using a simple nasal or throat swab.

Treatment of Common Cold

common cold

Antibiotics aren’t effective for common cold. Products for cold relief that are available over the counter won’t help your cold disappear much faster however they can help ease the symptoms.

For example:

  • Decongestants can help reduce the size of the nasal passages.
  • Expectorantsthin mucus making it simpler to remove it from your airways.
  • Antihistamines could dry up your dry nose.
  • Cough suppressants can make you cough less.
  • Pain alleviators help ease minor body pains.

Before using these, be sure to read the ingredients and warning labels on all OTC products. Some may interact with specific alcohols, food items, or other medicines. Other medications can cause you to feel drowsy.

However icky you feel, a cold typically will go away between a week and ten days. In that time, self-care is the best option.


Drink plenty of water. You’ll thin out congestion and prevent dehydration.

Relax. Sleeping will help your immune system to recharge.

Make sure the air is humid. A humidifier makes it easier to breathe. 

Take a bath with salty water and warm. Doing so will help soothe a chapped and swelling throat. Take one teaspoon of salt for each 1 cup warm drinking water.

Sip warm fluids. Whether your preference is chicken soup or green tea, hot liquids can soothe your throat and ease heavy congestion.

In certain instances, a cold can develop into a health issue such as streptococcal disease, pneumonia, or an infection that will require medical attention.

Consult your physician If:

  • The symptoms won’t improve within a couple of days.
  • If you are experiencing a fever that is higher than 101.3 F degrees.
  • Your fever will go away and then returns.
  • If you have difficulty breathing, it is because of your condition.
  • You’re suffering from painful sinus pain, sore throat, or a severe headache.
  • Your glands are swelling.
  • You’re coughing out mucus.

Prevention of Common Cold

To safeguard yourself from common cold viruses To help you fight the common cold virus, follow these steps:

  • Always clean the hands. Use soap water, and then massage your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. Your second-best option? Hand Sanitizer with a minimum of 60% alcohol.
  • Be sure to keep your hands off your face. Your eyes, the nose, and mouth are all entry points for cold viruses to get into your body.
  • Do not spread bacteria. Use tissues when you cough or sneeze. If you’re not carrying one, put a mask over your nose or mouth by crouching your elbow rather than permitting germs to escape out into the atmosphere.
  • Cleanse areas with high contact. Door knobs, TV remotes, sink faucets – regularly clean areas such as these used by many individuals and may harbor germs.
  • Make self-care a priority on your agenda. Don’t wait until you’re sick to rest; take a healthy diet, and drink plenty of water. These things will aid in preventing an illness at all.

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